What is joint attention? The world contains various creatures, but we humans are notable for our abnormally strong ability to communicate. At the foundation of ...
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- Autistic spectrum disorder
Autistic spectrum disorderの記事一覧
What is the relationship between the development of children with autistic spectrum disorder and their multisensory information processing? Humans are creatures...
Sensory processing challenges in autistic spectrum disorder A frequently mentioned characteristic of autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) is delayed language develo...
Ways of looking at networks: What is a small world network? The world that we live in is overflowing with networks. Close to home, relatives are one network; if...
How do our brains hear words? Our brains are like an all-purpose computer and can process all kinds of information. This could be identifying a bird as it flies...
What is connectivity? What is connectivity? The brain, it is often said, is a huge network made up of innumerable nerve cells. These days, information can sprea...
ADI-R: The gold standard for assessing autistic spectrum disorder. The first time I heard the unfamiliar term “assessment scale” was shortly after I entered tra...
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